A One Par 2 - Tessellated
Welcome to The Late Night Par sub-series; A One Par, featuring Tessellated
How is it different from our regular episode? A One Par features guests that we focus more about their journeys and stories through their careers, focusing less about pop culture topics, but more offering insights from different minds and talents. It can feature any range or combination of the Late Night Par cast;
This episode Kangwa and Yannick chop it up with Recording artiste and Producer Tessellated. Tessellated has experienced viral and commercial success since is debut as a recording artiste, and we dive into what it has been like on his journey thus far from Pine and Ginger to Learned some Jazz today. He offers his unique perspective on his experience navigating through the Jamaican music industry and the American music industry as a young Jamaican living in Florida and LA, He get's pretty honest and real about his experiences and what it took for him to get where is now, and where he's looking to go moving forward.
Tessellated's Socials
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tessellated
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tessvibe/
Website: tessellatedmusic.com
Audio only Podcast can be found on:
+ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/254Xfrq2RuYw1aiso0KHd9?si=A7qlTZj3Tl6eITQBKdbFzw
+ Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/jm/podcast/the-late-night-par/id1069731412
+ Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmVyeWN1bHR1cmUuY29tL3RoZWxhdGVuaWdodHBhcj9mb3JtYXQ9cnNz
Follow our hosts!
Kangwa - https://www.instagram.com/heatwavefat...
Yannick - https://www.instagram.com/thetherapis...
Rushell - https://www.instagram.com/ultra_rush/
Sashanya - https://www.instagram.com/sashanya91
Thanks to CoWork Ja for having us:
Produced by:
Very Culture - https://www.veryculture.com
Coproduced by WengiKofia