A Very Culture Exclusive: Mortimer’s “Fight the Fight” EP Release
“Mortimer nuh guh Art School? How him always ALWAYS deh ova music school?” An Edna Manley Art school student, with a passion for music that he honestly just couldn’t ignore. Days spent learning the craft so that he could work in his father’s carpentry shop, nights in the studio, on the corner, singing wherever the melodies took him. That was where his soul was ignited. And like he says “Anything soul is gold.”
Fast forward now to November 2019, he followed that soul and has written and produced his first EP “Fight the Fight” alongside the legendary Winta James. A masterful, mystical selection of 6 timeless songs that not only are a snapshot of his musical growth, but of the life he has lived on the journey to where he is today.
Mortimer at Anchor Studios
The Very Culture team was invited to the private pre-release listening session where Mortimer and Winta James broke down the “Fight the Fight” project for us. He told us that often, his music comes to him in the lowest of times. Instead of a reflection of struggle, the music uplifts, comforts and encourages. It’s a message to himself and to those around him. There is positivity, even in his lowest moments, that inspires these songs. As Winta said so perfectly, we were “blown away by his ability to use words and music to convey certain emotions, especially as a Jamaican man”. Vulnerable, true to self, hopeful, soulful, mindful, heart-ful.
Winta James
Now, if this is the product of where his journey has taken him thus far…we can’t wait to see what’s next (ps. Winta and Mortimer say a full length project is in the works).
Careful - Was really a message to himself. The song was born out of a reality check he was forced to have when he zoomed in to a few relationships in his life. A reminder that sometimes we need to reevaluate what may not serve us, and that that’s okay.
Lightning - A timeless love song which for him was all about loving from pure form versus loving based on an idea. Came to him right after an argument where in the moment he was having a hard time expressing his love. So he lit a steamaz, and figured he would do it in the way he’s most comfortable expressing his feelings - through music.
Misery - Misery is both the cause and the result of a lot of wars that take place, and daily countless people fight wars, even within ourselves as individuals but … “Natty dread will stay strong, with a desire for the peace inside, and equality for every man.” Even with all the misery surrounding us, pay keen attention to the last minute of this song. There’s a message for you in there.
Fight the Fight - “Jah give I courage to fight the fight.” A reminder to self. He said he will quite literally stand in the mirror and remind himself “Yuh good, just continue to fight the fight”.
Style and Grace - A song for the Queens. He told us about how his wife has really been a pillar of strength and positivity in his life, especially in low times, and he wanted to shine a light on her. This is yet another tune where he’s not afraid to be vulnerable about his feelings, this time for the woman in his life.
No Lies - An intimate expression. Pillow-talk - Roots, Rock, Reggae style. Strip away any crudity. A rootsy, soulful expression of love, intimacy and sexuality.
In comes the man called Mortimer with FIGHT THE FIGHT, his debut EP release with Overstand Records and Easy Star Records. LISTEN, STREAM, SHARE AT - https://fightthefight.mortimerofficial.com/
Director & Editor: Novia “Nickii Kane” Prince
Director of Photography: Novia “Nickii Kane” Prince
Audio: Dennis Fyffe
PA: Antonette Hines
Producer: Travis-John “Habibi” Bailey & Alysia Francis
Location: Anchor Studios
Writers: Alysia Francis & Karyn Allen